
Below is a list of current job openings within the Midwest region to the best of our knowledge. If you would like to add a job opening to this list, please email We do ask that you then let us know when the position is filled so we can remove the post. We also distribute openings directly to our members and share on our social media pages. Thank you!

Gundersen Health System iis seeking a child life specialist for the Emergency Department! This is a .8 FTE position with a current shift of 1:30 pm – 10 pm. Join a team of 7 child life specialists in a community hospital that is nestled between the Mississippi River and rolling bluffs. 

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Presbyterian Healthcare Services has an opening for a full-time Child Life Specialist.

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Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital currently has the following open positions.

Child Life Specialist, Med/Psych (.9 FTE) – View Job Posting (2 positions available)

Bronson Children’s Hospital has an opening for a Child Life Specialist in the Emergency Department.

PRN Position – View Job Posting

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital has open positions posted:

View Job Postings – search using keyword Child Life to filter.

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