Sunshine Surprise

A Special Sunny Delivery

The Great Lakes Association of Child Life Professionals is excited to announce we will once again be doing the Surprise Sunshine gift exchange program to celebrate Child Life Month in March! 

Interested in gifting some self-care sunshine to a fellow member?  Please send an email with the following information to Julie Miller at : 

  1. Your name: 
  2. Complete shipping address: 
  3. Please share a little about yourself and what you enjoy doing for self-care or items you indulge in for self-care: 

Example: I am a child life student, hoping to find an internship in the Fall of 2025.  I enjoy iced coffee, diet coke, stickers, books/reading, mini M&Ms, candles (flower scents), Chick-fil-A, shower steamers, nail polish, and biking.   

Sign up will close on Monday, February 24th.  Participating members will receive an email by March 1st with their recipient’s information once matched. Then, sometime in the month of March send your recipient their Surprise Sunshine gift! 

GLACLP suggests a $25 limit, however this is up to the discretion of the giver. Be creative and have fun!  Think gift cards, direct ship a gift from Amazon, send a note of encouragement, etc. (GLACLP is not responsible for the items to be sent, shipped, or received as this is an honor system among members.) 

If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact: Julie Miller at