Mentor-Mentee Program

Let's Connect & Grow Together

Our newly improved GLACLP Mentorship Program gives you the opportunity to be inspired by other members.

We Are Matching:

    • PEER-TO-PEER, who may be looking for new ideas or trends in a particular area or are changing populations and looking for support

    • STUDENT-TO-STUDENT, who may be wanting to meet others who are on a similar path

    • SEASONED CCLS-TO-NEW CCLS, who may be seeking support as they begin their career and build their confidence and skills

    • STUDENT-TO-NEWER CCLS, who may be seeking connecting with someone who recently was a student and transitioned to a professional

    • STUDENT-TO-SEASONED CCLS, who may be looking to career plan, talk about overall goals with, and build confidence

There is no pre-determined schedule, no specific time of year, no time commitment; no prompts…just the two of you emailing, meeting for coffee, chatting on a video call, or meeting up at a conference! It’s in your hands to build the connection you want, but we are here to help guide you towards a successful match!

To inquiry about a mentor/mentee, please contact with your request.